20Х23Н13, ЭИ319 pipe

General characteristics

Stainless steel 20Х23Н13 belongs to the group of heat-resistant, heat-resistant corrosion-resistant alloy austenitic-ferritic class. In lightly used condition at t° 900°-1000°C. because of the additives silicon, manganese, titanium, steel 20Х23Н13 is resistant to mechanical damage and higher strength Chromium and Nickel, which are the basis of the material, protect design of such steel from corrosion at work in aggressive conditions. 20Х23Н13 steel resistant to stress corrosion cracking in alkaline and chloride environments, as well as to intergranular corrosion. Significant resistance to chemical aggression, the ability to resist high temperatures, providing the reliability and durability of the semi-finished products of the brand 20Х23Н13 in the most difficult industrial conditions.

Percentage composition GOST 5632−72.

Alloy C Ti Cu Ni Cr Mn P S Si Fe
20Х23Н13 ≤0,2 ≤0,2 ≤0.3 mm 12−15 20−25 ≤0,2 ≤0,035 ≤0,025 ≤1 basis

Steel high alloy high-temperature


Steel brand 20Х23Н13 widely used in aggressive acid medium at high temperatures and low loads. This steel is the basis of seamless pipes, clamps, muffles. Fragments of the combustion chamber, forgings, turbine blades, bandages, operating at temperatures up to 700 °C. Various suspension and some parts fixing boilers also include details of the steel.

technological features

20Х23Н13 steel has limited weldability, is used RDS. In the temperature range from 600 °C to 800 °C, the steel is prone to temper embrittlement. Hot rolled the steel is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Gosstandard, the beginning of the forging is at a temperature of 1220 °C and ends at t° 900 °C.

buy at best price

Quality manufacturer with constant control of observance of requirements of technological discipline, absolute conformity of semi brand 20Х23Н13 all items of the normative documentation, acceptable cost products determines the popularity of such material for the needs of modern production. Our company represents the entire product range of such products and provides constant attention to the needs of each customer, regardless of order volume.

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