Bronze sheet

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Bronze known to mankind for thousands of years. They say that the shield of bronze sheet, polished to a Shine, helped Perseus to defeat the Gorgon. But, seriously, today this material has not lost its value. Bronze sheet combines the strength, ductility, malleability. Responds well to machining: cutting, drilling, stamping, milling. After treatment the surface is perfectly flat and smooth. Sheets of tin and aluminum bronze well handled pressure. They are inexpensive, distinguished corrosion resistance and high specific strength, and silicon bronze. Hardened by heat treatment. Beryllium bronze possess high elasticity, corrosion resistance, impact spark. These leaves are blanks for the production of structural elements for construction and transport engineering (especially shipbuilding, where important corrosion resistance).


Bronze sheet is of rectangular cross section (PR) of tin or tin-free steel cold-rolled bronze way (marked D). Properties depend on the chemical composition and condition of the material.

  • sheet stamps Broc4−3 and Brof6,5−0,15 (GOST 1789−70);
  • sheet stamps Brbnt1,9 and Brb2 (GOST 1789−70);
  • sheet stamps Brkmc3−1 (GOST 4748−92).

Chemical composition for pressure treated tin bronzes normalized GOST 5017−74, and without tin bronze GOST 18175−78.

Precision manufacturing

  • increased — (P);
  • normal (N).

As material

  • a sheet of semi-solid — (P);
  • mild — (M);
  • a very hard sheet — (On);
  • the solid sheet after quenching (T).

Sheet bronze brand Brb2 (alloyed with beryllium) has high strength, wear resistance, elasticity. Sheet stamps Brbnt1,9 particularly resistant to corrosion, heat-resistant. This list responds well to pressure treatment, easy to be cut and welded. Sheet stamps Brkmc3−1 has high chemical resistance, elasticity. Sheets of tin bronze (marked BRAF) are easily treatable with pressure, plastic.

Material Mark Prefabricated Cross-section mm The presence of the kg Price
BRONZE Brb2 sheet 2 30 500
-«- 4 42 -«-
-«- 6 69 -«-
-«- 8 185 -«-


High resistance to humid condensate made of bronze sheet is indispensable in the manufacture of plaques, markers, signage. Today, it has become popular for decorative finishing, external and internal. He is in demand in mechanical engineering, instrumentation, industrial chemistry for the production of parts of complex shape by stamping. It is used in the transport engineering industry, the aerospace industry, where it serves as the basis of a non-magnetic armature; in shipbuilding — guide parts: blades, flaps, rudders, etc.


Marking bronze sheet begins with the letters «Br», then write capital letters of the basic alloying elements and numbers — their percentage in the alloy. Get acquainted with the range, specify main features, advantages, the use parameters products you can on our website. In the company «_" presents an unlimited range of non-ferrous metal. Carried out both wholesale and retail deliveries.

buy at best price

Our website offers a wide range of bronze sheet various brands. High quality of products and lack of intermediaries determine the most favorable conditions for their acquisition for solving current production problems. Delivery in the shortest possible time in any region of the country and abroad, compliance with regulatory documentation already gained the trust of regular customers. Due to the relatively low cost and wide model range, Rozovye semi-finished products enjoyed continued popularity in all spheres of production.