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the types of bronzes

Bronze is an alloy of copper, tin, and zinc, legarrette aluminum, silicon, beryllium, etc. On the composition of bronze can be tin or without tin, and the method of production — for casting and rolling. Tin bronze have minimal shrinkage. They are perfect casting. Bronze aluminum well handled pressure. They are inexpensive, distinguished corrosion resistance and high specific strength, and silicon bronze. Hardened by heat treatment. Beryllium bronze possess high elasticity, corrosion resistance, impact spark. Wrought alloys are very plastic and easy to handle. Cast bronze has good machinability, wear resistance, excellent sliding qualities.


From casting bronze alloys produced bearings, compressor components, separators, etc. They are well exploited in conditions of high pressure, moist condensate and high temperature. Used for:

  • chemical equipment;
  • valves for gas and heating systems;
  • elite plumbing
  • exclusive jewelry;
  • decoration of prestigious interiors.

Scope bronze includes transport, mechanical engineering, processing industry, light industry, construction. Spring alloy used in the manufacture of contacts, sensing elements, liners, springs. In spite of everything, a bronze rent every year is becoming increasingly important. An attractive appearance is complemented by high technical qualities and durability. Edition bronze hire, thanks to the versatile merits will be expanded, covering new areas of application.

prices for nonferrous metal

Material Mark Prefabricated Cross-section mm The presence of the kg Price
BRONZE Braj 9−4 round 20−150mm 1120 115
-«- Brag 9−3 20−160mm 89 110
-«- Brotss 5−5-5 30−120mm 280 90
BRONZE Brb2 tape 0,25x250 30 500
tape 0,3x120 12 500
tape 0,4x250 29 500
round 20−50mm 230 500
sheet 2 185 500
BRONZE Brazhnmc9−4-4−1 round 20 45 300
50 77 300
70 85 300
-«- Bramc9−2 -«- 70 175 280
BRONZE Brazhn10−4-4 -«- 40 165 290
round 90 225 290
BRONZE Broth round 40 55 300
BRONZE Brkmc3−1 wire 0,3 36 290
3 30 270
4 12 480
-«- Bramc9−2 wire 2 400 480
-«- Bramc9−3 -«- 3 322 480
-«- Bramc9−4 -«- 4 115 480
-«- Brof6,5−0,4 -«- 2 422 480
-«- Brkmc3−1 -«- 1,8 55 480
-«- Brkmc3−2 -«- 4 78 270
BRONZE Brkmc3−1 tape 0,25x250 29 290
0,5x250 55 270
-«- Brkh-1 sheet 16 150 190
BRONZE Brkh-1 pipe seamless 4−16x1−4 650 155
22x3 84 150
28x3 57 150
45x2 126 150
52x3 237 150


Labeling of bronze begins with the letters «Br», then write capital letters of the basic alloying elements and numbers — their percentage in the alloy. Get acquainted with the range, specify main features, advantages, the use parameters products you can on our website. OOO «_" represents an infinite range of non-ferrous metal. Carried out both wholesale and retail deliveries.

buy at best price

To see more details with the products, specify its basic properties, checkout you will be able with the help of our website. The company «Minicalculator» offers an unlimited range of non-ferrous metal, in particular, a wide range of products from bronze. High quality of products and lack of intermediaries determine the most favorable conditions for the acquisition of semi-finished products for solving current production problems. Delivery in the shortest possible time in any region of the country and abroad, compliance with regulatory documentation already gained the trust of regular customers.