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Titanium is a hard steel-like silver metal with a number of remarkable properties. They made this metal and alloys based on it, one of the indispensable materials in modern industry.
Titanium rolling is successfully used in such industries as:
• chemical and cryogenic industry (titanium pipes)
• Shipbuilding (nuclear submarines),
• rocketry (shell),
• aircraft construction and engineering (filler materials),
• Medicine (dentistry, orthopedics),
• food industry and others.
Products made of titanium rolled products have a number of advantages:
• high mechanical strength,
• Resistance to different types of corrosion
• resistance to aggressive environments
• Heat resistance (melting point of titanium +1668 ° C)
• small ud. Weight 4.505 g / cm3
• high ductility and strength at low temperatures
• lightness and high heat resistance
• is susceptible to certain types of welding: arc in the atmosphere of argon, electron-beam, contact.
To the disadvantages of the production of rolled products from titanium is:
• high labor input
• the possibility of melting exclusively in inert gases or in a vacuum
• poor antifriction properties
• propensity to hydrogen embrittlement
• it is impossible to perform the cutting
In the production of technical titanium and titanium alloys, a titanium sponge is used as a base, which is obtained by the magnesium thermal method. The content of impurities affects the properties of the obtained titanium, therefore, based on their percentage ratio, titanium is divided into two grades: especially pure — BT1−00 and technical — VT1−0. To date, several titanium alloys are used, each of which is characterized by chemical compositions, mechanical and technological properties. In titanium alloys, the most commonly used alloying elements are: Al, Mo, Mg, Cr, Si, Fe, and others. By the method of processing, titanium is usually divided into foundry and deformable.
Titanium alloy grade VT5 (contains 5% Al) — is characterized by high strength, can be forged, rolled, stamping and has good weldability. From this alloy produce: titanium bar, wire and pipes. From it, parts are manufactured that work in a high-temperature environment (up to 400 ° C).
Titanium alloy grade VT5−1 (contains 5% Al, 2−3% Sn). From alloy VT5 is distinguished by higher technological properties. Products of brand VT5−1 are presented: titanium sheet, plates, forgings, stamping, profiles, pipes, wire — in the process of their production, pressure treatment is used.
OT4, OT4−1
Titanium alloys of OT4 and OT4−1 (contains Al and Mg). Due to the high plasticity and ability to succumb to all types of welding, these grades are used in the production of titanium sheet, plate, strip, strip, rods, forgings, profiles and pipes.
Now in the rolled metal market you can buy titanium and any titanium alloys at good prices. A wide range of titanium semi-finished products differ in composition and in final properties. The use of titanium rolled metal is economically justified, due to its lightness, strength and durability.
Titanium rolling | Length, mm | Diameter, mm | Width, mm | Thickness, mm |
Sheet | 700−2000 | 700−1000 | 0.3−15 | |
A circle | 500−5000 | 8−30 mm | ||
Titanium wire | Nemernaya | 0.5−6 mm | ||
Assortment | Length, mm | Wall, mm | External Ø | Note |
Titanium pipe | 1000−5000 | 0.5−6 mm | 12−300 mm | The weight of the pipe does not exceed 200 kg |
The price of titanium rolling depends on the parameters of the products, the grade of alloy and the additional terms of delivery. Titanium rolling from LLC «_" is distinguished by an acceptable cost and a wide variety of shapes and sizes, which will allow any buyer to choose the product that will most fully satisfy his requests. The high quality of production and full compliance of products with the requirements of state normative documentation and technical specifications for supply The principle of our company in working with customers. A reasonable price and convenient method of delivery is an additional advantage in working with us.