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High-quality pipes made of high-temperature alloys with a high content of nickel and chromium are used today quite actively in various sectors of industrial production. The unique properties of such semi-finished products as the ХН70Ю pipe make it possible to provide reliable and long-term operation of the equipment, regardless of the influence of corrosive media or elevated temperatures in the working area of the unit.
The high content of nickel (from sixty-five to seventy one percent) and the addition of additional alloying components in the charge determine the high operating and working parameters of the finished semi-finished products. In addition to nickel, this material includes chromium, barium, aluminum, iron, manganese, silicon. To obtain high-quality material, the process of steel melting of this grade is carried out using special induction furnace equipment of an open type. A similar material can be obtained by remelting the raw material in a special bath using an electric current (electroslag remelting method). The second method, despite the considerable laboriousness, helps to improve the quality of the finished product.
The percentage composition of HN70YU is GOST 5632−72 .
Al | C | Cu | Fe | Ni | Cr | Mn | Ce | S and P | Si | Ba |
2.8−3.5 | ≤0,1 | ≤0,07 | ≤1 | 65−71.2 | 26−29 | ≤0.3 | ≤0,03 | ≤0.012 and 0.015 | ≤0.8 | ≤0,1 |
When manufacturing forged products from such a material, it is necessary to observe the temperature regimes of processing from 1150 to 900 ° C very precisely (from the beginning to the end of the procedure). Often, in order to increase the initial operating parameters of the pipes ХН70Ю, at the final stage of production, their thermal treatment is carried out — quenching in a liquid or air medium at a temperature of up to 1200 ° C.
Application of
Pipe products from such an alloy are in demand practically on any responsible industrial site from the oil refining complex to the food or chemical industry. This kind of semi-finished products is widely used in the formation of gas removal systems or the transport of water and heat to residential buildings and office premises. It should be taken into account that, despite the high heat resistance and heat resistance index, the HN70Yu pipe is very unstable to the aggressive influence of sulfur and hydrogen sulphide, therefore, it is not recommended to use it for manufacturing parts in such an environment. Given the limitations on weldability in the formation of pipelines, to ensure the reliability and high performance of butt joints, semi-finished products must be heated to 200 ° C. To remove residual stresses from parts after the end of welding, additional heat treatment is carried out. This chromium-nickel alloy has proved to be very well in the production of elements of combustion chambers of a turbojet engine, whose work is associated with loads in the temperature range from 1100 to 1200 ° C. Due to the significant index of specific electrical resistance, the alloy ХН70Ю can be used in the production of various heaters, wire for surfacing or welding of chromium-nickel products. Household sphere actively uses such pipe production in the manufacture of smoke extraction structures for furnaces or fireplaces.
The huge assortment and the optimal combination of useful characteristics against the background of a moderate price predetermined the high popularity of products from the alloy ХН70Ю at various sites of the production complex. A wide range of products from chromium-nickel steels presented in our company will not leave you without a choice. High quality workmanship with the availability of quality certificates, favorable delivery conditions will provide maximum comfort when making a deal.