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The alloy ХН45МВТЮБР-ID is very relevant in many areas of the modern industrial complex. After all, the high heat resistance of the material and resistance to corrosion of various types predetermined its effective use in the harshest industrial conditions. The products, which are made from this type of raw materials, are quite diverse, and are represented by a large number of names from pipe semi-finished products, to bars, circles and sheet steel.
This type of material refers to chromium-nickel alloys, since the composition contains a fairly large amount of chromium (from fifteen to twenty-three percent) and nickel (about forty-five percent). This determines the high heat resistance of the material, the temperature of the working zone can reach one thousand degrees. Also, the unique chemical composition of the alloy determined its resistance to an aggressive industrial environment. Nickel creates on the surface of the products a strong surface film of an oxide character, with protective properties, and chromium further enhances the heat resistance and corrosion resistance of the alloy. Additional doping with various additives, such as tungsten, molybdenum, aluminum and titanium also improves the working and performance characteristics of the raw materials. Such an approach allowed eventually to receive a unique construction alloy of a new generation.
The high quality of semi-finished products, such as the pipe ХН45МВТЮБР-ID, circle or sheet metal, fully depends on the correct smelting of raw materials with observance of all necessary regimes. For the production of this grade of steel, as a rule, open-arc furnaces are used. The manufacture of tubular products implies a certain change in the temperature regime from the beginning to the end of the procedure. The tubing starts at t ° 1180 degrees, and by the end of the operation t ° drops to 900 ° C. After manufacturing the products are cooled. There are two options for cooling semi-finished products. The first type involves exposing the material in the open air, oil or water to the required temperature, the second type assumes primary cooling in water, followed by cooling for four or five hours in free air mode. The production of the circle ХН45МВТЮБР-id is performed by a hot rolling method with a cross section of 5 to 270 millimeters. Upon agreement with the buyer, individual orders can be sold.
A huge assortment and an optimal combination of useful characteristics against the background of a moderate price predetermined the high popularity of products from such an alloy at various sites of the production complex. A wide range of products from chromium-nickel steels presented in our company will not leave you without a choice. High quality workmanship with the availability of quality certificates, favorable delivery conditions will provide maximum comfort when making a deal.