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The family of nickel alloys and steels is very diverse. One of the materials that deserves special attention is maraging 250. Due to the unique composition, the exact proportional ratio of the main components, and also the special production technology, this type of material has acquired not only increased mechanical parameters, but also has a high yield strength and considerable plasticity, which facilitates the processing of semi-finished products.

Composition and properties

The basis of the alloy maraging 250 is a triple union of nickel molybdenum and cobalt on a glandular basis. This balanced combination predetermined the high heat resistance of steel against the background of considerable corrosion resistance. The yield strength of the alloy exceeds the value of 1655 MPa, even at low temperatures of the working zone, and the highest strengths with the application of tensile stresses are observed in the temperature range from 450 to 510 degrees Celsius. Also worth noting is the good weldability of this type of material, which makes it possible to actively use it in the manufacture of welded structures of various geometric dimensions and complexity. All the useful qualities listed above are determined by the proportional chemical composition of the unique alloy.

Percent composition
Alloy FROM Mn Fe P S Ni AT Zr Al Si Ti Si Mo Co
Maraging 250 ≤0.03 ≤0,1 The basis ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤18.5 ≤0.004 ≤0.01 ≤0,1 ≤0,1 ≤0,4 ≤0.1 ≤4,8 ≤ 7.5

As a rule, the production of this raw material is carried out using special equipment by vacuum-induction or vacuum-arc method. To obtain quality raw materials during the smelting of nickel alloy, it is important to accurately observe all the time and temperature conditions of the process.

Application of

The scope of the material called maraging 250 is very diverse. Practically all industrial branches limited by hard working conditions need strong and durable equipment capable of actively resisting both temporary wear and aggressive influence of various production environments. This type of alloy is very relevant both in the chemical industry or in the production of paper and cellulose, as well as in aircraft construction or in the manufacture of precision equipment and heating equipment. The high reliability of equipment made from a unique nickel alloy and its ability to provide a long-term maintenance-free operation even when working in difficult production conditions against a background of moderate cost determines the constant growth of popularity and production of this material.


Acceptable cost of brand maraging 250 and a wide range of products on the background of a wide variety of semi-finished products will allow any buyer to choose the product that will most fully satisfy all of his individual needs. High quality of manufacturing and full conformity of production to requirements of the state standard documentation and technical conditions for delivery — that basic criterion which our company adheres in work with clients. Precisely calibrated chemical composition and manufacturing ensure the reliability of the product and the exact correspondence of its performance to the claimed qualities, while reasonable prices and a convenient method of delivery is an additional advantage in working with us.