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Mechanical properties

The main advantage of titanium casting is the minimum coefficient of thermal shrinkage and expansion, chemical resistance, heat resistance, non-magnetic properties. In comparison with steel, titanium is 1.6 times lighter, its density = 4.45 g / cm³. This significantly reduces the overall weight of structures, reduces the load on the critical nodes, so the service life of the equipment increases. The thermal conductivity of titanium is 2 times that of heat-resistant steels alloyed with molybdenum. These properties are especially valuable for heat exchange equipment operating in an aggressive environment.

Corrosion resistance

Remarkable is the resistance of titanium alloys to intergranular and crevice corrosion. Titanium is resistant to atmospheric and soil moisture, inert in sea water, where its corrosion rate does not exceed 0.002 mm / year. It is not oxidized with nitric acid, chlorine, chlorine oxide, sulfur, racks in petroleum products and natural gas, in a mixture of caustic alkalis, in molten sulfur medium to t ° 240 ° C. It does not have a boiling ammonia solution of 20% concentration. It is inert in industrial gases and condensate. At temperatures up to 100 ° C, Ti is stable in organic acids.

Physical properties
The temperature at which these characteristics were obtained t ° C 20 ° С
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion α [1 / degree] 8.2 x 10 -6
Density [g / cm 3 ] 4.45
Modulus of elasticity of the first kind, E [MPa] x10 -5 1.12
Specific heat at 20 ° C С [kJ / (kg · deg)] 0.586
Thermal conductivity K [W / (m · K)] 300,173
Coefficient of thermal conductivity), l [W / (m · deg)] 8.37


Obtaining titanium in its pure form is quite energy-intensive, hot titanium requires protection against oxidation by atmospheric gases, so this metal has a high cost price. The labor-intensive processing also significantly increases the price of finished products.


Casting from titanium is actual in the manufacture of parts of centrifuges, pumps, dryers, distillers, chemical reactors for the needs of processing, petrochemical, pulp and paper and other industries. From titanium casting produce: covers and plates of valves, ball casings for the processing industry; Discs of clinker valves, impellers of centrifugal pumps, as well as shells for snails, for oil refining equipment and mining equipment.


The wide range of titanium casting is always available in the warehouse of LLC «_.» The prices for products from such raw materials presented on our website do not include additional costs, and the available way of ordering and choosing the most convenient delivery option will provide maximum comfort to the buyer. Products from titanium casting will allow us to select the necessary material for solving any of the most complex production tasks.