Grade 36
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Supplier KMZ offers titanium wire, pipe, round, rod, Grade 36 stamps at economical price. The provider ensures timely delivery of products at any address specified by the consumer. The price is the best in this segment of the rental.
Technical specifications, UNS R58450
Titanium Grade 36 is a titanium alloy with additions of niobium, intended for deformation by forging, stamping or rolling. Typically, the alloy is supplied in the annealed condition. Among the wrought alloys of titanium, it has the highest density and melting point, differing simultaneously and the lowest heat capacity. It has good weldability, well-processed forging and stamping.
The practical application of the alloy due to excellent performance in oxidizing environments with a moderate level of strength and a very low modulus of elasticity. In particular, this alloy is widely used for the fabrication of metal orthopedic joint and bone operations on the records.
Chemical composition
- Titanium — based,
- Niobium — 42…47;
- The bound oxygen is not more than 0.16;
- Iron — 0.03;
- Carbon — up to 0.03;
- Associated nitrogen — up to 0.03;
- Bonded hydrogen — to 0.035;
- Other impurities up to 0.4.
Main physical characteristics
- Density, kg/m3 — 6300;
- Melting point, 0 C — 1604…2020:
- The coefficient of thermal expansion, µm/m0 — 8,1;
- The coefficient of heat capacity, j/kgK — 420.
Mechanical properties
- The limit of temporary resistance, MPa — 530…550;
- The plastic limit, MPa — 380…450;
- Poisson’s Ratio — 0,36;
- The modulus of elasticity, GPA — 110;
- Relative tensile elongation, % — 23;
Supplier KMZ offers to buy titanium round, rod, wire, pipe Grade 36 stamps at economical price. The provider ensures timely delivery of products at any address specified by the consumer.
Supply, price
Buy titanium round, rod, wire, pipe brand, Grade 36 at the supplier KMZ can at an affordable price. The price is formed based on the European standards of production. Buy titanium round, rod, wire, pipe any brand at a reasonable price, you can wholesale or retail. Regular customers can take advantage of the discount system of discounts from the company KMZ. The price is the best in this segment of the rental.