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Solder A14
Need for soldering copper, brass, bronze, silver jewelry. A14 comes as calibrated and ofljusovannyh. One of the main advantages of this solder is good plasticity and ability tightly to fill any gaps in products. For a particularly strong connections A14 is made by special technology.
Solder P
Based solder is zinc. P doped such elements as Nickel, tin, manganese. This solder is relevant to connect carbide alloys.
Solder P
the Necessary connection of products from pig-iron. Provides a durable and reliable connection fragments.
Solder PA
Topical for steel tinning. Modern technologies provide for the use of such solder to perform high-quality work.
copper Solders
Solder TFM. The abbreviation stands for solder copper-phosphorous. The presence of phosphorus optimizes the quality of the solder. It is used when you want soldering beschlusses way. In some cases when connecting copper alloys used solder P with up to 81% copper.
in more Detail to familiarize with the range, specify main features, advantages, the use parameters products you can on our website. In the company 'VIC" presents an unlimited range of solders in the form of ingots and bars, tubes, wires, bars, powders, foil, tape, soldering pastes which are manufactured in strict compliance with technological norms. Carried out both wholesale and retail supply.
to BUY AT the best PRICE
the value of the contract solders is formed taking into account the rates on the London stock exchange non-ferrous metals. A great variety of solders in stock, LLC «VIC» will allow any buyer to make the best choice. High quality and full conformity to the requirements of the state normative documents and technical conditions for the supply — the main criterion, which adheres to our company in working with clients. LLC 'VIC" is a reliable partner in the market of steel, and accurate performance of products, reasonable prices and convenient delivery method is the additional advantage of cooperation with us.