Nichrome, Fechral, Thermocouple
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+38 (050) 369-66-30
general characteristics
Nichrome — an alloy based on nickel (55−78%) Composition: Cr (15−23%); Mn (1.5%); The rest is Fe. The specific electrical resistance is 1−1.1 Ohm · mm 2 / m, the density is 8.2−8.5 g / cm 3, the melting point is 1100−1400 ° C. Nichrome has heat resistance and mechanical strength (tensile strength 0,65−0,70 GPa). Used for the manufacture of heating elements for electric furnaces, hair dryers, heat guns.
Chemical composition
According to GOST 10994−74, the composition of nichrome X20N80: Cr is 20−23%, Ni is the base, Fe is not more than 1.5%, aluminum Al is no more than 0.20%, titanium Ti is no more than 0.3%.
Percent composition
Alloy | C | Al | Fe | Ni | Cr | Mn | P | Ti | Si | S |
X20N80 | ≤0,1 | ≤0.2 | ≤1,5 | 72.7−79.1 | 20−23 | ≤0,7 | ≤0,03 | ≤0.3 | 0.9−1.5 | ≤0,02 |
In the Nichrome X15N60, the nickel content is 55−61%.
Percent composition
Alloy | C | Al | Fe | Ni | Cr | Mn | P | Ti | Si | S |
X15N60 | ≤0.15 | ≤0.2 | 17.3−29.2 | 55−61 | 15−18 | ≤1,5 | ≤0,03 | ≤0.3 | 0.8−1.5 | ≤0,02 |
Rolled nichrome: wire, tape, circle, sheet. A special distribution was obtained by nichrome in the form of a wire.
Properties of nickel withstand high temperatures without experiencing significant deformations and retaining not only the stability of form, but also the important mechanical and operational characteristics caused the use of alloys based on it in a wide range of industries. Adding a chrome share to the composition of nichrome allows us to further strengthen the influence of nickel and improve the useful qualities of the material as a whole. Nichrome is used in electric heaters of industrial furnaces and household appliances of thermal action. Particularly often used in roasting and drying furnaces.
Basics of fecal
It is an alloy consisting of the following elements: chromium Cr (22−24%); Aluminum Al (5 — 5.8%); Base iron. The nickel content is not more than 0.6%. The low content of nickel makes the alloy X23Si5T cheaper in comparison with nichrome. Specific resistance of the fecal (nominal value) 1.39 Ohm · mm 2 / m, density — 7.21 g / cm 3, melting point — 1500 ° C (GOST 12766.1−90). Fechral has high operating temperatures (up to 1400 ° C).
Chemical composition of fecal
According to GOST 10994−74, the chemical composition of fecral X23Y5T includes chromium 22−24%, aluminum 5−5.8%, nickel Ni — up to 0.6%, titanium 0.2−0.5% iron-base. A special distribution was obtained from wire fecal, which is due to its use as heating elements.
The percentage composition of the alloy Fechral X23SY5T
Ca | C | Al | Se | Ni | Cr | Mn | P | Ti | Si | S |
≤0,1 | ≤0,05 | 5−5.8 | ≤0,1 | ≤0,6 | 22−24 | ≤0.3 | ≤0,03 | 0.2−0.5 | ≤0.5 | ≤0.015 |
Application of fecal
Fechral is used for heating elements with a maximum operating temperature of 1400 ° C in industrial and laboratory furnaces. Alloy X23YU5T is also used for household appliances and electrical appliances of thermal action.
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