Prices for rare earth raw materials


Products 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 I floor. 2008
Ingots of neodymium 7,5 8 7,66 Of 9.74 16,4 26 --
Bars Samaria 15 18 11,3 -- -- 12 --
Bars of terbium 250 400 290 -- -- 621 --
Ingots of dysprosium 35 45 33,2 38,7 64 90,4 --
Mischmetal 15 -- 7,6 5,5 5,5 5,7 --
Oxide of lanthanum 1,87 1,5 1,36 1,6 2,14 3,6 7,1
Oxide praseodymium 3,9 4,24 7,35 8,23 14,9 28,5 31
The oxide of samarium 3 2,68 2,67 2,6 2,44 3,6 4,8
Oxide of yttrium 8 9 14,5 13,8 8,5 8,7 9,3
Oxide europium 230 240 290 278 244 326,5 521,2
Oxide of cerium 2 1,7 1,6 1,4 1,64 3,15 4
The oxide of neodymium 4,34 8,5 6 8 15 30 32,5
Oxide terbium 170 170 337 309 472 590,4 725,2
Oxide of dysprosium 19,64 15,5 30,5 41,34 72,6 89 112,5
Bastnasite concentrate 4,08 4,96

The growth of prices for rare earth metals in 2007 was due to the following reasons:
— export duties on rare earth metals from China,
— reduction in licensed export from China,
— increased demand in China for REE for the production of magnets,
suspended exports from the Inner Mongolia at the time of construction
— disruption of supplies from Sichuan province, in connection with the restructuring of the mining industry and the concentration of rights in the hands of one company, won the tender.
Continues to grow global demand for separated REE and metals, and on the mixture for the production of magnets, special glass, catalysts and batteries. Trends in the global market is favourable for suppliers of REE, world refining capacity will meet the global demand for REE.

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