Contact corrosion
The urgency of the problem
Even stainless steel can rust over time. As some atypical types of corrosion and their visible results are almost invisible or much less visible, they can be a source of unexpected problems.
Contact corrosion
This combination of galvanic and crevice corrosion, where stainless steel has inclusions of foreign particles. These particles are formed with a stainless steel galvanic couple and korrodiruet, leaving mostly steel material deep gaps that without oxygen, quickly expands under the influence of pitting corrosion.
Preventing contact corrosion
Well, if the shops have different areas and different sets of tools for handling carbon steel and stainless steel. Monitoring is necessary to avoid direct contact between stainless steel and carbon steel racks. Carbon steel particles removed from the surface of stainless steel by nitric acid, or salts with a mixture of nitric and hydrofluoric acids.
To buy, price
In stock, LLC «" in the presence of a wide range stainless steel. The quality complies with GOST and international quality standards. A wide selection of products, comprehensive advice from our managers, reasonable prices and timely delivery define the face of our company. For wholesale orders flexible system of discounts.
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