Processing and production of copper
Are you interested in the processing and production of copper? Supplier KMZ offers to buy copper at economical price. The provider ensures timely delivery of products at any address specified by the consumer.
Processing of ore
After extraction of ore it is first crushed mechanically, as a result, all mineral particles of copper are released from rocks. Flotation by injection of air and intensive mixing with the pulverized ore is held in suspension in water, to which is added a surfactant. This method produces copper concentrate, which is fed into the melting furnace — Converter. There is a final removal of impurities, primarily iron and sulfur.
Production. BOF melting
The result of a BOF heat is pure (98 +%) form of metal known as blister copper. Then the blister utonchaetsja to regulate the content of sulphur and oxygen, receiving metal that is sufficiently pure for many other than electrical purposes. However, since ohiocity metal may contain commercially viable concentrations of precious metals (mainly silver and gold), most of them cast into thick sheets known as anodes that are sent to the large electrolytic cells, where final cleanup.
Production. Electrolytic refining
The electric current of the constant current passed through the cell, dissolve the anodes and precipitates the copper on the cathodes. The final product of the purification process is electrolytic tough pitch (ETP), usually containing from to of 99.94 of 99.96% Cu. The cathodes are re-melted under controlled conditions and cast in a shape suitable for further processing.
Production. Extraction of the depleted ore
Extraction technology is constantly being improved and developed to reach the most efficient allocation of copper concentration of the different ores. Methods of processing of oxidized ores differ from the methods used for sulfide ores. Oxidized ore, consisting of silicates, carbonates and sulfates, are treated in several ways, all of which involve some form of leaching the crushed ore with sulfuric acid solution to produce impure solutions of copper sulfate. Today, more than 13% of all «new» copper production by leaching,
Are you interested in the processing and production of copper? Supplier KMZ offers to buy copper at economical price. The provider ensures timely delivery of products at any address specified by the consumer.
Supplier, price
To buy any copper alloy from the supplier KMZ can at an affordable price. The price is formed based on the European standards of production. To buy any of the copper alloy at a reasonable price, you can wholesale or retail. Regular customers can take advantage of the discount system of discounts from the company KMZ.
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