Application features bronze
Bronze is an alloy of red copper and tin — were known to mankind since ancient times. This beautiful, flexible and durable metal made tools, jewelry, utensils and weapons. During the so-called Bronze age, this metal was valued together with copper almost on a par with silver and gold, which in those times were not especially prevalent among the peoples who have mastered the processing of metal ores. Modern bronze alloys are high-tech materials, doped zinc, aluminum, Nickel, beryllium, silicon, phosphorus, etc. In the end, it is possible to obtain metal with different chemical and physical properties, allowing a wide to apply it in everyday life, and artistic and industrial production. The longevity and profitability of bronze products, it is unlikely that someone today would cause doubt. Pipelines with pipes and fittings made of bronze used in the most responsible areas, they are characterized by the highest rates.
Tin bronze is used depending on the type of alloy, is provided in two versions on the market — casting and wrought. Casting bronze alloys are ideally suited for the manufacture of valves, gears, bearings and other critical parts that require durability and wear resistance. Bronze deformable, generally used in the manufacture of a wide range of inserts, springs, couplings, bushings and other articles where high frictional properties.
Leading-edge technology to ensure the production of a wide range of bronze without tin alloys, where a main alloying component is tin used such chemical elements as aluminum, Nickel, manganese, lead and iron. The resulting alloying of bronze possess high corrosion density and firmness that allows you to apply them to solve further problems:
· manufacture elements of chemical devices;
· manufacture of control valves for heating systems and pipelines;
· production of sanitary ware and luxury jewelry;
· decorative design for prestigious interiors.
· production on an industrial scale corrosion resistant rolled wire, sheets, tubes and rod.
To buy, price
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