

Steel pipe doped with niobium have the highest strength and corrosion resistance. Niobium is not only one of the most refractory metal (t° melting point 2468 °C, t° boiling point 4742°C), it is the basis of high-temperature, chemically resistant and superconducting alloys are used in metallurgical equipment, industrial chemistry, Metalworking. This is a relatively heavy metal, the density of 8.57 g/cm3, it is 2 times heavier than titanium, but more than 2 times lighter than tungsten. For nuclear power are important as niobium — narrow capture cross section for thermal neutrons and the induced radiation is minimal. Electrical — low work function of electrons. Qualities such as excellent machinability hot and cold, good weldability, make the valuable niobium structural material. The most important field of its use of space and aviation technology, military-industrial complex.


This multiple element of the earth’s crust. Mining and production it is associated with a number of difficulties. This is a fairly expensive metal. The niobium powder has a high Flammability. If contact with skin or mucous membranes of niobium dust causes irritation. MPC NB = 0.01 mg/l. the Penetration of niobium inside the body causes severe damage to the nervous tissue up to paralysis.


Heat-resistant pipes of niobium are important for the production of parts of space hardware. Minimal induced radioactivity of niobium is not only the basis for the production of containers for the storage of radioactive substances, but also shells for nuclear installations. Liquid-metal coolants in atomic reactors move on niobium tubes. Low work function of electrons important in the manufacture of high-power electronic devices, generators, condensers, etc., Chemical resistance of alloys of niobium is widely used in the manufacturing of corrosion resistant pipes for processing and the pulp and paper industry. Superconducting qualities of this metal found use in cryotron components of computers.


Tube in original packaging stored in closed warehouses. They can be transported by any transport. During transport they are protected from mechanical damage, moisture, dirt, aggressive chemicals.


The price of niobium pipe depends on the parameters of products and additional conditions of delivery. Niobium rolled from the «_" differs reasonable price and a wide variety of shapes and sizes that will allow any buyer to choose the product which most fully satisfies its needs. High quality workmanship and full compliance of products with the requirements of the state normative documents and technical conditions for the supply — main principle of our company in work with clients. And reasonable prices and convenient delivery method is the additional benefit of working with us.

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