10H17N13M3T, ЭИ432 tape, sheet, round, wire

Alloy brand 10H17N13M3T austenitic class belongs to the category of corrosion-resistant ordinary steels. In addition to chromium, iron and Nickel, forming its basis, the structure includes a number of additional alloying elements that significantly increase the original quality of the material and ensure stability of its performance. For alloying apply molybdenum, titanium, silicon, manganese, and thousandths of a percent of phosphorus and sulfur.


The most important qualities of a material such as steel 10H17N13M3T include high heat resistance and heat resistance. These qualities allow the use of semi-finished products made of such raw materials in demanding industrial applications with a significant excess of normal temperature regimes. Thanks to the optimal technological and operational parameters such material actively oppose the influence of the most harmful industrial factors, providing reliability and durability of work of critical equipment.


Percentage Composition GOST 5632−72.

Alloy With Mo Ti Ni Cr Mn R S Si Fe
10H17N13M3T ≤ 0,1 3−4 ≤ 0,7 12−14 16−18 3−4 ≤ 0035 ≤ 0,02 ≤ 0,8 basis


The material of this type has not only resistance to high temperatures in the working area, but also effectively resists corrosion damage when exposed to the details of aggressive industrial environments. Therefore, the alloy grade 10H17N13M3T can be used in the manufacture of equipment used in the most demanding conditions. It is a welded construction for the chemical industry: reactors, tanks, pipelines, working in contact with toxic and oxidizing environments.


Company «_" implements the semi-finished products of the brand 10H17N13M3T at a reasonable price from the manufacturer. The level of service and quality of products at the European level. Our website contains the most current information. Our managers are always happy to help in the choice of products. Implementation of orders takes minimal time. Wholesale buyers get a preferential discount.

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