Welding and cutting non-ferrous metals
You are interested in technology cutting and welding of non-ferrous metals? Supplier KMZ offers to buy ferrous metals at economical price. Welding and cutting produce under the order. The provider ensures timely delivery of products at any address specified by the consumer.
Cutting non-ferrous metals offset
Choose a cutting with an offset, as an alternative operation in connection with the scarcity of many non-ferrous metals (which requires to minimize waste), good ductility, as well as peculiarities of physical properties (such as dust of magnesium and zirconium by mechanical abrasive cutting can spontaneously ignite).
Alternative methods
For cutting non-ferrous metal are also used modern technologies like laser and plasma cutting. In order to make the right choice, and analyze the material thickness, the required accuracy and economic aspects (cost of technology).
Laser cutting
Most high precision operations can be achieved using laser technology. When the thickness of materials of about 0.1…3.0 mm laser allows to maintain a high technological parameters, particularly when cutting small or special items, such as small holes, thin shape, etc. For thicker sheets require a more powerful laser.
Other cutting technology
With laser sharp accuracy comparable waterjet cutting stream of water. An alternative to these two technologies is the use of water-plasma device cutting. When the main factor of choice is economy (with good technological parameters of the process), the only solution is to use plasma technology. Additional processes using a high-definition allows to achieve, in many cases, the quality of cutting, approaching in accuracy to the laser cutting.
Welding tungsten electrode
Welding tungsten non-consumable electrode is carried out in inert gas (TIG) welding Area is protected from atmospheric effects, shielding gas (usually argon and less frequently helium), is generally used and filler metal. This technology gives greater control over the weld than alternative technologies, such as shielded arc welding of metals, allowing for better quality welds. However, TIG is comparatively more difficult to master, and, in addition, it is less productive than most other welding techniques.
Gas arc welding
It is held under the protection of inert gas (MIG) or with the use of active metals (method MAG), and is an arc welding process in which after the welding electrode is continuously fed welding wire and shielding gas. Welding is often carried out at a constant current. The method used in the welding of aluminium and its alloys.
Are you interested in cutting and welding of non-ferrous metals? Supplier KMZ offers to buy ferrous metals at economical price. Welding and cutting produce under the order. The provider ensures timely delivery of products at any address specified by the consumer.
Supplier, price
Buy nonferrous metal provider KMZ can at an affordable price. The price is formed based on the European standards of production. To purchase color rental at a reasonable price, you can wholesale or retail. Regular customers can take advantage of the discount system of discounts from the company KMZ.
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