You are interested in the characteristics, the price of vanadium? Supplier KMZ offers to buy vanadium rent at economical price. Supplier guaranteed timely delivery at any address specified by the consumer.
General characteristics
Vanadium occurs in about 65 different minerals, including vanadinite, carnotite and patronite. It is also found in phosphate rock, certain iron ores. In pure form it is a silvery metal that is highly resistant to corrosion. About 80% of produced vanadium are used as alloying additives to special steels. Only 1% V substantially improves the impact strength of steels and their resistance to vibration loads.
Metal recovery
Vanadium of high purity can be obtained by restoring the chloride VCl3 magnesium and / or rehabilitation of the oxide V2 O3 with calcium in a pressure vessel.
World market and prices
Prices for vanadium over the past 15 years has decreased, and only recently began to climb. In addition to the systematic reduction in the number of mines where active mining, this trend stems from the fact that a leading position in the vanadium market is China and South Africa. For many years now they recycle the metal, exporting a surplus and pursuing a policy of dumping in relation to other world producers.
Supply and demand
Over the last few years there have been significant shifts in the structure of the proposal; from 2014 trade from China has declined, some major South African mines ceased operations, and Russia has become the second largest source of raw materials, ahead of South Africa after 2014. The demand, however, and now exceeds the supply, and, in addition, the global reserves of vanadium ores are constantly declining. Considerable interest in vanadium redox batteries high energoemki likely to have a significant impact on demand in 2020. But, there are always new technologies in the battery industry, This should contribute to reducing the cost of vanadium over the next five years.
90% of this metal is currently used in the production of steel, Vanadium steel is very hard and used for the manufacture of armoured plates of military vehicles, axles, tools, piston rod and crankshaft. Vanadium alloys are used in the shells of nuclear reactors. Oxide V2O5 is used as a pigment for ceramics and glass as a catalyst and create superconducting magnets.
You are interested in the characteristics, the price of vanadium? Supplier KMZ offers to buy vanadium and vanadium alloys at economical price. Supplier guaranteed timely delivery at any address specified by the consumer.
Supplier, price
Buy rare and refractory metals from a vendor KMZ can at an affordable price. The price is formed based on the European standards of production. Buy vanadium at a reasonable price, you can wholesale or retail. Regular customers can take advantage of the discount system of discounts from the company KMZ.
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