Regulation of the market of rare, rare earth and refractory metals by the laws of Ukraine

Turnover rare, rare earth and refractory mettalov on the market of Ukraine is regulated by the following laws:

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 1995, limited turnover of the following metals and alloys:

· Beryllium

· Vanadium

· Li

· Cadmium

· Cobalt-samarium compounds (for the production of magnets) currently, for this was to use compounds of niobium.

· Nickel in pure form (cathode)

· Thorium

· Tellurium

· Lead

· Uranium and its isotopes

The decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 2004 regulates the import of metals and alloys, and their rolled. Turnover of rare metals is licensed every year, but the main provisions of the exports and imports remain unchanged for many years. In 2011 ratified a new decree of the Cabinet of Ministers on the export of basic metals, alloys and products. The list of licensed products in Annex 6 to the decree of Cabinet of Ministers № 1183 added waste with high percentage of zinc (code 2620 19 00 00 of the UKTZED (Ukrainian classification of goods for foreign economic activity)) and copper (code 2620 30 00 00). The Appendix lists the goods the export of which is licensed in the new year. Among them, the traditional place is:

· aluminium and articles thereof (codes 7616 99; 7601 20 99 00; 7601 20 91 00)

· stainless steel in ingots and other primary forms

· copper and its alloys

· lead raw

· charge bars

· ferro-alloys (including ferrotitanium and ferronickel)

· cast iron and the traditional list of the equipment metallurgy and foundry.

Licensing of the above products — after agreement with the Ukrainian Agency for state property management and corporate rights.

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