Nickel - the material of the future

The great importance of nickel in the development of modern metallurgy is not in anyone's doubt. And in the very near future, according to analysts' forecasts, prices for an important strategic and technological metal will grow. Therefore, today nickel production is considered a very promising investment in the future. In specific details, the forecasts of the analytical groups of the various enterprises differ slightly. However, the general direction is very similar. This opinion is also shared by the analytical research department of the Urals group of the metallurgical complex.
After conducting an independent survey of a large number of specialists and traders in the mining industry, researchers of the development of this segment of the market made an unambiguous conclusion. Prices for nickel will start to rise, and although today's metal value is still far from its record high, this trend will continue for a long time. Employees of the London Metal Exchange adhere to the same opinion. Delegates of the international seminar, the founder of which was Macquarie Bank are very optimistic. In their opinion, it is nickel in the next year will be the most promising investment of capital, which guarantees the success of business.
The rise in prices for such raw materials is already predetermined by the gradual increase in the deficit of an important strategic material. The farther away, the similar lack will increasingly control the price policy of nickel raw materials, in the context of the entire world community. The most tangible development of events will become apparent in the second half of this decade. Such a state of things will inevitably lead to an abrupt increase in the cost of the material. A few years ago this coincidence had already taken place, and history, as is known, develops in a spiral.
Already in 2016, according to the forecasts of independent analytical groups, the balance of supply and demand for important raw materials will be disrupted, and the global deficit will fully guide the price of the world metal market for non-ferrous materials. By the way, according to the information of Australian nickel producers, this trend will show itself already in 2014. Therefore, the development of the nickel industry today is of general interest to the majority of the leaders of the metallurgical industry. Along with the reduction in production capacity of tin and aluminum smelters, the enterprises producing nickel semi-finished products increase their capabilities and modernize technological processes.
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