Taiwan and India plan to take the lead in the supply of stainless steel

According to experts, Taiwan has reduced the export of cold flat rolled stainless steel in 2013. Compared with the APSG for the reporting period of the previous year - the volume of production decreased significantly, by almost 0.7%. Customs officials argue that the main consumers of the Taiwanese material are the states of Asia, which purchase about one-third of the entire array. Then follow the countries of the European Union, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine and other countries of Eastern Europe. The export chain is closed by America and the Middle East. To note, Ukraine has bought materials disproportionately, in contrast to Russia.
According to a statistical assessment of specialists from Spetsstal, the share of Russian imports of stainless steel from Taiwan was 0.18%. It should be taken into account that most of such rolled metal is processed, and after that it is exported to Turkey, Thailand, Poland, China and some countries of Western Europe.
The most famous Russian supplier of flat products, which is produced in Taiwan, is the company "Asia Steel Trading", which in its activities help "Elinox" and "Continental". The most often imported rolling of stainless steel grade 400.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in December 2013 the appointed term of the special anti-dumping duty expires, which was introduced for the importation of flat rolled products on the basis of nickel, and from Taiwan in particular. But these preventive measures did not significantly affect the exporting country, and therefore Taiwan still retains the position of a leader in the Russian metallurgical market, despite the duty and partial state ban.
The leader is also India, which, following economic forecasts, will surpass Taiwan in 2014 and will come out on top among manufacturers who are determined to continue to supply stainless steel products to Russia. However, due to obsolescence and deterioration of rolling mills of Indian enterprises, the supply of certain products will be substantially reduced, for example seamless pipes of different diameters. It should be recalled that among the co-founders of Spetsstal there are two leading manufacturers of rolled products from India, these are the companies of BRG Group and Jindal Stainless. They attract independent Russian investors to mutually beneficial cooperation, thanks to which the share of Indian metals in the Russian market has already reached 18%.
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