OJSC Krastsvetmet: great changes are coming

Mikhail Diaghilev, General Director of the Open Joint Stock Company Krastsvetmet, shared his opinion on the ability of his company to compete and its advantages in this difficult matter, as well as gave information about suppliers of precious metals and their location, spoke about the non-standard experience in optimizing production and management Processes. He also shared his ideas about what would be the largest refinery after 12 years.
In the plans of the management of OJSC "Krastsvetmet" the erection of a laboratory research building, improvement of the enrichment complex and refining production, as well as the implementation of the project on conditionally non-waste production. In addition to the above, M. Diaghilev talks about the need to increase sales in all divisions of the enterprise.
These and other reflections were voiced by Mikhail Diaghilev in an interview given to him by the Goldman's Bulletin in the framework of commenting on the Development Strategy until 2025, adopted by Krastsvetmet. According to the general director, in the production plans until 2025 - an increase of 70% in annual volumes of processed raw materials, resulting in an increase in the refining of gold to 150 tons, silver to 1100 tons, platanoids to 154 tons. Also, when developing the "Strategy" The management of the plant expects to increase the sales volumes of technical products produced from metals of the group of platanoids by 97%, made of silver by 136%, and the sale of jewelry will probably increase by 103% until 2025.
Mikhail Diaghilev says that the production method began to operate in production and management, due to which already at the moment the plant is able to allow a reduction in the number of workers by 30% while maintaining a threefold increase in revenues.
In the laboratory laboratory building under construction, an analytical laboratory and a scientific and technological center will be located, which are necessary attributes, since most of the technological processes used at the plant are developed by their own specialists and are truly unique. It should be noted that the laboratory of Krastsvetmet is one of the ten best world laboratories. The new building provides a very advanced automation of the analysis and sample preparation. The object is expected to start in 2016.
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