Nickel can provoke an allergy

Allergic manifestations on various stimuli are an integral part of the life of a large number of people. Every year, figures reflecting the number of people who are familiar with the problem of intolerance to any component of everyday human life are growing. Health care workers are very concerned about this trend and see the cause of this deplorable state in too much sterility of human life, especially in large developed countries. However, if we consider the problem in more detail, we can identify one more reason for the increase in allergies and the dependence of the occurrence of such a disease on the territorial residence of people. Such a reason is the rapid development of industry and the development of new deposits of certain important technological resources. Among the substances that are capable of causing allergic manifestations, nickel occupies one of the leading positions. This non-ferrous metal, despite its undoubted benefits to the industry, is an extremely dangerous aggressor for the human body. And allergic manifestations can cause not only the metal itself, but also its dust, which is floating in the air, in the places where the extracting complexes are located. By the way over time, the content of nickel in the living body can accumulate, leading to a number of fairly serious diseases of the respiratory system, the nervous and hematopoietic system. With a large concentration of nickel residues in human organs and systems, even a lethal outcome and the development of serious oncological diseases are possible.
According to statistical studies, which were conducted more than once by scientists in the vicinity of the location of nickel mining plants, the incidence of the population living in such a locality is several times higher than in many other areas. Explain this feature is simple enough. No protective equipment and dust collectors at the metallurgical plant are able to guarantee complete safety of the environment and the animal world. Today, allergy to nickel is the most common disease of this type. Even intolerance to odors or adverse reactions to certain foods is much inferior to the popularity of such a disease. As is known, any technical progress has the opposite side and for everything we take from nature we have to pay our own health.
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