Titanium deposits in Russia

Recently, the Russian government is concerned about the dependence of the raw material base for the production of titanium from the imports of other states, and Ukraine in particular. Therefore, the country's leadership decided to actively support and develop the creation of its own mineral and raw materials base for the rapid development of the titanium industry. Taking into account the fact that Russia occupies the second place in the world according to the predicted deposits of this material, only additional financial investments are needed to launch its own production. The first place in this area is by right taken by China. Most of the Russian reserves are concentrated in the Murmansk, Amur, Chita and Chelyabinsk regions. Also, minerals are present on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Tomsk and some other areas of this state. And some of the rich deposits have been actively developed for a long time, but due to lack of investments can not be used in full force. For example, a company called "Lovozero Mountain Complex" is quite active not only in titanium mining, but also takes part in the extraction of other metals of rare earth type. In addition to titanium concentrate, this corporation extracts from the bowels of the earth the fossil needed to produce a fairly rare loparite concentrate. More than fifty years, the Tugansk deposits are actively being developed, in which the placers of zirconium and ilmenite reserves are concentrated.
However, despite such wealth, not one of the independent large layers of titanium deposits is still practically not developed by Russia. Most often such a valuable material is received as an additional bonus accompanying some other technological processes. The implementation of large titanium projects, which have recently been widely announced to the people, will help the state not only to get rid of raw materials dependence in this area, but also will improve the life of the population of many regions. After the construction of large mining concentrating plants will saturate the labor market with additional jobs, and contribute to the development of infrastructure in some areas remote from the center. Therefore, today such a task is very urgent and has the status of priority capital investments.
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