Ultra-light and heavy-duty aluminum body

Due to its high technical characteristics and special natural properties, aluminum raw materials have been quite actively used in recent years in many sectors of the national economy. Automotive industry has not become an exception, because manufacturers of modern elegant and powerful cars have long faced the problem of excessive weight of the structural parts of the car. The more powerful the device, the higher the load due to excess weight, it is doomed to experience. A worthy way out of the difficult situation was the construction of important and responsible units of automotive equipment from aluminum. The light weight of this material has a beneficial effect on the weight of the entire structure, and the strength of aluminum parts is not inferior to the classic steel counterparts. And if earlier such essential changes most often undergone the internal parts of the car, then, now it came to the body. For example, the famous leader in the production of very popular cars - Ford's trademark, intends to use aluminum as the main raw material in the manufacture of the body part of the latest models of off-road vehicles Explorer and Expedition. The large dimensions of the machines and their considerable weight made the designers of the project look for a completely new solution. This solution was the use of light, but strong aluminum raw materials. Such a replacement will allow an SUV to lose at least three hundred kilograms of its initial weight, which, of course, will improve the efficiency of the fuel system. In addition, the aluminum body increased the handling of this type of car and reduced the amount of harmful emissions from burning fuel while driving. If we take into account the fact that the total weight of new off-road cars from Ford exceeds two tons, then the necessity of aluminum starvation becomes quite understandable. In addition to this transformation, designers took care of the improvement of power plants and transmissions. The whole complex of improvements that the new models of the well-known machine underwent, will significantly reduce fuel consumption and thereby make driving on such a car more economical. Fans of automotive equipment from Ford will not remain indifferent to such an off-road vehicle transformation, according to opinion polls, new technology is doomed to popularity among the most diverse categories of the population.
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