Non-ferrous metal production is growing

In the Mtsensk district of the Oryol region, in the territory of the park "Green Grove", construction work is underway to erect a Mtsensk enterprise focused on the processing of non-ferrous metals. The project provides for an investment of 700 million RUB, according to preliminary calculations, production will begin work at the end of 2014. The production monthly capacity of the 1st stage is 1000 tons of metals, the production will be specialized in the manufacture of components made of bronze, copper and brass used in the engineering, gas, nuclear and oil fields, the construction field and the military-industrial complex. The supplier of raw materials will be Norilsk Nickel and the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Combine. The project provides for the construction of 3 lines, with investments amounting to about 2 billion RUB.
OJSC "Kirovsky ZOTSM" for the period from January to May of this year increased production of non-ferrous rolled metal by 6.1% compared to the same period last year. At the same time, the increase in copper rolled products amounted to 40.3%, the growth in the copper-nickel region was 2.8%, bronze - 0.4%, and brass - 56.5%. In terms of products, the main part is copper sheets and tapes, accounting for 22.8%, radiator copper tapes - 19%, bars - 19.8%, brass sheets and tapes - 15.6%, electrical products - 10%. The remaining 12.8% fall on other types of rolled products. Since the beginning of this year, the highest figures were achieved in the manufacture of brass lead rods for the automotive industry, instrumentation and machine building - an increase of 72.2% compared to 2013, with the production of copper tapes, growth was 24.5%, other types of output increased in output 55.2%, mainly the increase was in coins. In general, the amount of copper-nickel products produced during the period from January to May of this year increased by 7.4% compared to the same period last year.
The production of Kazakhstan also increased - for the period from January to June, the extraction of raw zinc increased by 2.6%, amounting to 161.3 thousand tons, refined raw lead by 40.4%, amounting to 61.7 thousand tons. At the same time, the production of raw unalloyed refined copper fell by 30.1%, or 131.4 thousand tonnes.
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