"RUSAL" modernizes the enterprises

According to Alexey Romanov, the head of the group engaged in the modernization of production, RUSAL decided to launch a modernized casting department related to the Kandalaksha aluminum smelter in the Murmansk region. This project, aimed at improving the work of the department, was opened in early spring 2011, with investments amounting to about 20 million USD. In the process of project implementation, the company installed German technological equipment from the company Jasper GmbH, intended for melting and pouring alloys. Now start-up and commissioning works are being carried out for the most efficient production work.
At the same time, the Sayanogorsk Aluminum Products Plant, part of RUSAL, began operating a new casting equipment for casting ingot-cylinders, the diameter of which is 178 mm and 203 mm. According to information provided by the press service of the company, about 5.7 million USD was invested in this project. The main goal of the project is to increase the output of goods with added value to an annual level of 10 thousand tons. The material of cylindrical ingots are alloys of the 6XXX series. With the introduction of additional Norwegian casting equipment "Hycast" in production, it will be possible to fulfill orders without reducing the productivity of equipment by reducing its idle time with the necessary re-fitting. According to Anton Savchenko, the managing director of the Sayanogorsk plant, goods from the 6XXX series material are quite popular on the world market. Taking into account the constant growth of requirements for the quality of both export and domestic products, the introduction of new capacities will not only expand the consumer market, but also significantly improve the characteristics of goods.
At the Irish alumina refinery Aughinish, owned by RUSAL, a replacement of the central energy carrier has been made, so that gas is used instead of fuel oil in the production of steam. Thanks to new equipment in the second half of this year, the cost of goods will decrease by 11-13 USD per ton, in addition, environmental data will be improved by eliminating emissions from the combustion of oil products. As part of the project, three black oil boilers were replaced by two steam generators. The installed equipment can generate high-temperature steam in a volume of about 300 tons per hour.
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