
8 September 2015

Anti-dumping investigations are gaining momentum

The cost of steel products on the global market continues to decline. At the same time, the volumes of Chinese exports are steadily growing. Correspondingly, countermeasures against importers of rolled metal also increase. Anti-dumping investigations are gaining momentum. The governments of a number of countries are developing protective duties applied to imported steel products. The most frequent objects of restrictions are metallurgists of the People's Republic of China. However, Russian suppliers are also under threat.

In the second half of August, 4 anti-dumping investigations were opened on the steel world market. And they all affected the Chinese producers. In Australia under investigation, Chinese wire rod fell, in Pakistan, the process affected the galvanized steel. Malaysia on the suit initiated an investigation into suppliers of cold-rolled carbon rolls from China, Vietnam and South Korea. Turkey is considering the import of cold- rolled stainless steel from Taiwan and China.

The EU also does not ignore the stainless cold rolled Taiwanese and Chinese products. New anti-dumping duties have already been approved. The US Department of Commerce will investigate the fact of unfair competition from manufacturers from 8 countries. Among them is Russia. Australia revised tariffs for imported profile pipes from Thailand.

A number of countries prefer an easier way. Anti-dumping investigations can take a lot of time. On the other hand, the WTO rules provide for the introduction of protective duties. True, the average rate should not exceed 10%. The duration of this measure is limited. However, such a measure provides good support to the national industry. In the last days of August, 10% duty in South Africa affected Chinese imports. Indonesia introduced a 14.5% tariff for wire rod. From 18.08.2016 , it will drop to 10%, a year later to 5.5%. Thinly thought out conditions affected only the Malaysian, Chinese and Japanese suppliers. In 2013, they accounted for about 90% of the national imports of wire rod.

As the situation worsens, more and more will be introduced in the global steel market. And the influence of this factor will be felt for a very long time. Most of the US countervailing and anti-dumping duties for 1999-2003 continue to operate. Their term is continually extended for the next five years.

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