Norilsk Nickel for Strengthening Public-Private Partnership
Norilsk Nickel is a recognized world leader in the production of palladium and nickel . According to the press service of the company, public-private partnership should be strengthened. And especially in the struggle at the international level with the illegal trafficking in precious metals and non-ferrous metals. In "Norilsk Nickel" they told about the organizational expert meeting of UNICRI in Turin. The Russian company is actively involved in it. Representing Norilsk Nickel, Vladislav Gasumyanov, head of the Corporate Security Directorate, made a presentation.
In the report, special attention was paid to the legal peculiarities of combating the illicit trafficking in precious and non-ferrous metals. V.Gasumyanov stressed that such a confrontation is exclusively a privilege of the state. And the company's initiatives are possible only as a public-private partnership. An example of such cooperation was cited. In April 2015, an agreement was signed between Nornikel and the FCS of Russia. It regulated the interaction and joint work on the detection of the illegal transport of metal-containing materials. The organization of control at customs was considered.
The organizers contributed to the bilateral meeting of V. Gasimyanov with Cindy Smith, the director of UNICRI. During the discussion, opinions were considered on the implementation and promotion of the Russian-South African initiative. It was set out in a UN resolution. The resolution on combating organized transnational crime was adopted in 2013. UNICRI, based on its provisions, will conduct a study. It is designed to determine the essence of the problem with the subsequent development of solutions. To date, UNICRI specialists have made a base for research and identification of primary recommendations.
The main areas of UNICRI are the collection, analysis and dissemination of information. Also, the Interregional Research Institute conducts training and technical cooperation projects. The date of foundation of UNICRI - 1968. The purpose of its creation is to promote and support research of interested countries. At the same time, an information base is created that collects information on organized crime. The next stage is the development of methods for combating corruption, illegal trade, terrorism. Strategies to control and prevent crime are defined.
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