On the occasion of the machine builder's day 2015

For any state, the celebration of professional dates is an important and necessary tradition. On such days certain results are summed up, new goals are being set, experts are encouraged, who made the largest contribution to the development of the industry. The day of the machine builder is no exception. Moreover, this sector is the basic factor of the country's economy. Being closely connected with leading branches, mechanical engineering provides stability of their work, filling of the market of consumers. The level of successful development of engineering influences the well-being of other industrialists. Naturally, the development of the machine-building sector is one of the priorities of any state. The holiday of the workers of the industry both in Russia and in Ukraine is celebrated solemnly and magnificently.
In the former USSR, the festive date was set October 1 in 1980 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council. Since then, every last September Sunday in Russia, the workers of the machine-building industry celebrate their holiday. Mechanical engineering as an industry counts over 200 years. Despite such a mature age, it firmly holds a leading position in the world industry. The day of the machine builder is considered a professional holiday of both engineers and simple workers in the industry. Almost all Russian cities celebrate this date. The enterprises hold concerts, rewarding veterans of labor, exhibitions are held.
In Ukraine, the day of the machine builder falls on the fourth Sunday of September. This date was approved in 1993, on September 8, by the Decree of the President of the country. The machine-building sector accounts for 17.4% of the total industrial output. Ukrainian equipment and machinery is in demand with domestic and foreign enterprises. More than 60-70% of goods are exported to the CIS countries, India and China, Mexico. On the eve of the celebration of the Day of Machine Builder, traditionally the Head of State awards employees of the industry.
Perhaps, 35 years after the birth of the holiday, it is noted not so pompously. Perhaps there is no former number of participants. However, the Machine Builder's Day continues to be an important date in the Russian and Ukrainian calendar. A lot of families gather at the festive table. The common cause - working for the benefit of the machine-building industry - reliably unites all. And awarded with honorary badges of distinction will necessarily attach to the chest a badge of the "Honored Machine Builder".
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