"Red October" continues modernization

Metallurgical combine "Red October" in Volgograd continues modernization. Specialists have mastered the quenching complex in the shop for finishing metal. Its launch took place in July. The developed program of technical re-equipment is in full swing. In the operation, regular furnaces were introduced in the amount of 3 pieces. From the first days of September, the dismantling was subjected to a stripping-stripping site. The unused equipment is removed, the old foundation is broken. The site is being prepared for installation of 3 new machines. Two centerless turning lathes will be mounted, the correct machine. In the middle of August, a chamber furnace No. 1 was launched in the work for low-temperature roasting. At the same time, the 2nd Chamber Furnaces No. 2, No. 3 with forced cooling began to operate.
According to Ruslan Bylakov, the shop manager, the plans for modernization have changed somewhat. Initially, the use of new furnaces for the holiday process was planned. In September, various heat treatment methods were tested at the plant. Specialists have established that the existing furnaces completely solve the tasks set. Run-in of new equipment by staff also showed good results. Loaders and termites at furnaces passed the learning process. The principle of operation is similar to previous processes. The main task remains unchanged. The plant strives to increase the volumes of annealed products. Over the period January-September, the furnaces produced 1.7 thousand tons of rolled metal. In August, 330 tons of metal were processed. And as of 01.09.2015
The maximum capacity of chamber furnaces is 40 tons. The maximum processing temperature is 900 ° C. The temperature difference does not exceed 5 ° C along the length and height of the cage. On old equipment, the temperature difference was higher by an order of magnitude. The advantage of new equipment is a stable temperature in the oven. This factor will provide the necessary mechanical properties. Another advantage is that the gas consumption is economical. The process in new furnaces takes place within 16-72 hours. Rolled stainless , tool and structural steels are processed.
The problem of the old equipment was the instability of providing the necessary properties of rolled metal. Therefore, modernization is necessary and is timely. Installation of chamber furnaces in the workshop will be continued. Now equipment with a protective atmosphere is being installed. The installation of the quenching kiln is just around the corner.
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