UMMC enterprises continue their development

"Bashkir Copper ", which is part of UMMC, continues its development. The completion of the Ikamery of the underground mine of the Yubileiny deposit was completed. The volume of excavation reached 71,000 tons of ore. Preliminary processes are carried out for the cement paste of the spent chamber. The first batch at the experimental-industrial site of the mine was obtained in the spring of 2015. From the point of view of industrial scales, the event is of no special significance. However, Alexei Bodrenkov, technical director of Bashkir Copper , talks about the psychological moment. The development of the mine chamber is a kind of reference point. From it begins the expanded development of the "Jubilee" underground way.
At this stage, 227 people are involved in the mining and tunneling processes. Since the beginning of 2015, 2,268 thousand running meters of mine workings have been worked. The spent camera is prepared for the bookmarking procedure. Pulp is already laid. The installation and testing of a concrete mixing plant has been carried out.
Now the development of the "Jubilee" is conducted in two ways, open and closed. In 2016, the open method is planned to be completed. As for the underground mine, its construction started in 2010. In 2014, work began on cutting horizons. At the moment, vertical trunks "Kleteva", "North Ventilation" and "South Ventilation" are under construction. The balance of ore reserves is 76.9 million tons. The maximum depth of the ore is 1,260 km. The planned capacity is 3 million tons per year. In this case, the mining of the assets of the underground mine will be about 50 years.
Gaisky GOK, which is part of UMMC, optimizes processes. Improved delivery of ore from a group of deposits to the processing plant. "Autumn", "Summer" and "Left Bank" mines are located from the enrichment capacity of 200 km. The new logistics scheme excludes trucking and the use of conventional rail transport. The ore is delivered by railway self-unloading dump trucks. Logistics optimization has increased traffic volumes. The initial volume of 110,000 tons / month of copper ore increased to 135,000 tons.
Another plus innovation - the exclusion of heavy physical exertion. Earlier the process required participation of about 8 employees. The duties included opening hatches, controlling vibro-unloaders, cleaning up a spillway. Also, the gondola car body was cleaned of the remains of the ore. In the winter, processes of this kind become particularly difficult. After optimization for unloading, 11 dump trucks take about 60 minutes instead of 3 hours.
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