Manufacturers and suppliers are preparing for the Metal-Expo

In 2015, the International Exhibition "Metal-Expo" starts on November 10. It will last until November 13, 2015, the venue traditionally will be the Moscow Exhibition of Economic Achievements. Producers and suppliers of non-ferrous metals are looking forward to the beginning of the exhibition. On it they will traditionally present their own expositions. This year VSMPO-Avisma, Stupino Metallurgical Company, Alfa-metal are going to participate. Do not stand aside UMMC-OCM, WMC Invest and other companies and enterprises. The exhibition will provide consumers and traders with an opportunity to meet and discuss possible cooperation. Experts of leading companies will consider together with them supplies, rolled non-ferrous metals. The developed business program provides for holding conferences, meetings, round tables. The main theme is the consumption and production of non-ferrous metals. Also products on their basis are also considered. Among the approved topics are "3 In technology in the metallurgy of titanium ", " Zinc , corrosion protection". A round table is planned for suppliers of brass and copper rolled products. A meeting of manufacturers, consumers and suppliers of aluminum products will also be held.
There will be many thematic areas. Among them is the production of ferrous metallurgy goods. Raw materials, materials for the industry - ferroalloys , iron ore, coke, non-ferrous metal. Will be covered by technology and equipment. Another subject - special alloys and steels. Also touched upon is the theme of logistics, transport and warehouse metal trading. And this is not a complete list of topics.
534 companies have already confirmed their intention to participate in the exhibition. Their exposition will be placed on 27000 m 2 in the Moscow pavilion of VDNKh. The exhibition will feature samples of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Equipment for metalworking and metallurgy will be presented. The event will not ignore the suppliers of raw materials, transport companies. Interest in the exhibition is shown by companies of industries adjacent to the metallurgical sector.
The business program includes meetings of managers and specialists. These are representatives of metallurgical companies and related sectors. The problems of the development of energy, industry, transport, etc. will be discussed. New projects will be presented and innovative technologies presented. The exhibition will be open for 4 days. As expected, over the specified time, the exhibits will be visited by more than 25,000 specialists.
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