On the territory of Kazakhstan, a joint project is planned

A new project is planned for Kazakhstan. Asset Isekeshev, Minister for Investments and Development, took part in his discussion. The Japanese side was represented by the management of the Jogmec corporation. The possibility of geological development of rare earth metals in the territory of Kazakhstan was considered. According to preliminary estimates, joint geological exploration work will start in the spring of 2016. They will be held in the zones of the REM deposits in the Karaganda and Kostanay oblasts. Predominantly the sites of Zhanaarkalyk and Kymeshek contain yttrium . The parties agreed on the possibility of implementing joint projects. They concern the processing of rare earth metals in the territory of Kazakhstan. The issue requires more detailed discussion. For this, the parties plan an additional meeting. It will be held at the company level. In addition, the creation of a working group is planned. This project is not the only one for Kazakhstan. The industrialization program included work with leading global companies. These included RioTinto, UlmusFund, IlukaResources.
The project for processing rare- earth metals is very beneficial . It is worth recalling that in Russia there is practically no REM release. At the same time, there is a demand for them both from domestic and foreign companies. The main reason is quite complex and expensive ways of generating REM. In addition, there is no industrial production in the Russian Federation. However, the technology for obtaining rare earth metals from phosphoric acid is available.
The technology is based on the sorption production of phosphorus extractive acid compounds REM. The process is carried out on a special installation built into the production cycle of mineral fertilizers. The operation involves a sulfuric acid circuit. It provides for the subsequent purification and separation of rare earth metals. The profitability of this production is quite high, since it does not require the creation of a GOK. There are also no transport and logistics schemes, the need to get rid of waste by dumping them. Another positive factor is the absence of radiation. The technology can be used by any chemical plant engaged in the production of mineral fertilizers on a phosphate basis. True, the circuit is tested at one enterprise. They became the plant "PhosAgro-Cherepovets", where a pilot plant was built.
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