
3 January 2016

SUMZ completes the construction of an oxygen station

Sredneuralsky copper smelting works are completing the construction of the oxygen station. The object is located in the oxygen-compressor shop of the enterprise. In accordance with the schedule, commissioning processes will be carried out at the end of January. Now the station is making the final stages in the wiring of engineering communications. They include the installation of cable lines and ACS lines, technical pipelines.

Chief Engineer of SUMZ, Maxim Sladkov, noted the main features of the station under construction. In particular, the period necessary to start the equipment was reduced. While at the station work is carried out by means of 2 cryogenic air separation devices. They are launched within a few days. The capacity is 36.5 thousand m 3 of oxygen per hour. This volume is fully used in melting. New equipment will reduce the time to 30-40 minutes. The production capacity of the new station is 12,000 m 3 of oxygen / hour. Its commissioning will ensure a constant load of melting units. This possibility is necessary in case of repairs or force majeure stops of equipment.

The purpose of the oxygen-compressor shop is to provide the enterprise with compressed air and process oxygen. In addition to the main task, the workshop produces products to third-party consumers. It is liquid nitrogen and oxygen, technical and medical oxygen. The approximate total cost of the project is about 800 million RUB.

Enterprises that are part of the UGMKOCM continue to improve. Kirov Non-Ferrous Metals Plant received a new quality certificate. Its validity is 3 years. The certificate is a testament to the high quality of the products. The receipt of the certificate was preceded by a re-certification audit. The assessment of compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 was based on certain criteria. They include compliance with the requirements of the standards of the enterprise, elements of management systems. Management, production, auxiliary processes were considered. Verification of the quality of the management system has certified its effectiveness. It was confirmed that all conditions existed at the COCMM to ensure the system is in working order. A special mark of the auditors was the high interest of the employees of the enterprise in objectivity in the audit.

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