
22 February 2016

On the afternoon of February 23, 2016

To celebrate memorable and solemn dates is pleasant - and history is not forgotten, and events, and exploits. Every holiday, every special day as a milestone. Even the professions have their own dates, timed to significant events. There is a date for students, there is a celebratory day for lovers, there is, of course, a world day for women and a day for moms. And what about the strong half of the human race? Men also have their own holiday - February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day. True, it used to be called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, even earlier - the Day of the Red Army. However, as the date is not mentioned, the essence does not change - it is a holiday of those who are ready to protect us and our Motherland at any moment, the holiday of our men.

Of course, today this holiday is informal, congratulations sound not only to the military or those who have already served in the army. Flowers and gifts are given to all men, regardless of age and profession. Maybe in the present times the holiday is not so bright and colorful as before, but we are still going to a solemnly laid table, congratulating our men in the family and in the team, at home and at work.

And yet it is interesting - where did the date of February 23 come from? After all, in a calendar of 365 days, you could choose any number. Here opinions are divided. Officially it is believed that the date is timed to the victory of the Red Army near Pskov over the German troops. But there is another version of the events. On January 10, N. Podvoisky, who is Chairman of the Supreme Military Inspection of the Red Army, offered to declare this date the Day of the Red Army. The request was received positively, but with the appointment of the date a little late. For this reason, it was decided to unite in one two holidays - the February Day of the Red Army and the Day of the Red Gift. It was originally planned to mark it on February 17, 1919, but on the calendar this date fell on working Monday. Then they decided to reschedule the holiday - for the next Sunday, February 23, 1919 . It was assumed that such a temporary measure, but quite unexpectedly, the feast took root, and soon a hundred years later it was celebrated on February 23rd.

By the way, the date was legalized only in 1922, on January 27 - this day the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee was issued on the solemn Day of the Red Army. Under the Soviet Union, the holiday was renamed the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. However, the title is not so important, the main thing is that on this day we congratulate our defenders and wish them health, happiness, and good luck always and in everything.

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