
29 April 2016

Easter and ritual ceremonies

In the life of every Christian, the New Testament Easter is the main event. This day is called the Holiday of Feasts, it is also called the Great Day. The history of this great holiday stretches from a deep antiquity. About 5000 years ago, the Jews considered this day a holiday of calving cattle. A little later, Easter began to be timed to the beginning of the harvest. Gradually, the holiday began to be connected with the departure of Jews from Egypt. Christians put a completely different meaning on the date. This holiday is solemnly celebrated as the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God.

In Greek, "Easter" means "deliverance." Jesus Christ, having voluntarily ascended to the cross and having taken a painful death, delivered us from our sins. It was his death that made people redeem. By the resurrection of Christ, mankind is given eternal life.

The date of the holiday is not constant, it moves in time. The decision that Easter will be celebrated on the first Sunday following the vernal equinox was taken in 325 in Nicaea. In Easter, Easter came from Byzantium. Together with her came the numerous rituals accompanying the celebration. For example, the week that precedes the Holy Day is called Passionate or Great. Particularly significant are the Great Thursday, considered a period of spiritual purification. Good Friday reminds of the sufferings of the Son of God. The Great Sabbath is considered a day of sorrow. The Bright Sunday of Christ marks the resurrection and ascension of Christ.

Modern Christians preserved many customs of Orthodox Slavs, timed to each of the days of Holy Week. Great Thursday is usually called "Clean". On this day, truly believing people yearn for the purification of the spiritual. The folk custom says that on this day it is necessary to purify yourself with water. In addition, starting on Thursday, prepare a festive table. Mistresses bake cakes and women, honey cakes and of course Easter. It is customary to paint and paint boiled eggs.

In the old days, well-to-do masters traditionally served 48 different dishes on the table. This number corresponded to the days of the last post. It was customary to decorate Easter and cake with paper bright colors. They also adorned icons and tables, and the whole house. Remains of consecrated ritual dishes were taken to dig in the field. In this case, one egg was carefully stored until sowing. He was brought to the first sowing in the hope of a rich harvest.

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