Congratulations on 9 May

In any country, many holidays, they are timed to various memorable events. However, the significance of one date can not be overestimated. It's about May 9, Victory Day. This holiday is by right considered the greatest. I want to believe that even after many centuries the exploit of the Soviet people will not be erased from the memory of the descendants - like the glory of heroes. Perhaps such phrases for many sound pathetic, but this is an indisputable truth. The history of the world could go in a completely different, much more tragic direction. Only thanks to the courage and dedication of our soldiers was defeated fascism.
Every year the terrible events of the Great Patriotic War are moving away from us ever further. Alas, those who managed to survive the bloody battles, the hungry postwar weekdays are gradually leaving. But we remember, love, appreciate - and mourn for those who could not live up to this bright date.
1418 days lasted the most terrible war in history. This test left an indelible mark, so terrible that the first celebration of the Victory Day was incredibly powerful in its scale. Incredible relief, experienced by people who threw off the yoke of fascism, resulted in tears and laughter, joy and congratulations on the streets of cities. Undoubted difficulties that needed to be overcome after the war, on that day, lost their meaning. People believed that the future will necessarily be beautiful and bright.
The first Victory Day was marked by the first salute in Moscow on May 9. This event, perhaps, our history did not know before or after - 1000 guns gave 30 volleys in a row, announcing the greatest event that changed the life of all people. Another event, which later became the most important tradition - the Victory Parade. On the Red Square, the regiments of the victorious Red Army triumphantly marched in orderly rows. The end of the parade was no less unforgettable - the standards of German troops were dropped at the foot of the Mausoleum.
Strangely enough - not always 9 May was a day off, that is, a public holiday. Of course, the people remembered that date, but the celebration of the Great Victory was simply canceled three years after the end of the war. Only after 20 years the holiday regained its state status. In 1965, this day again became a non-working day, solemn parades, bright salutes, official congratulations and recognition of the merits and exploits of veterans.
Perhaps today the scale is not the same, the holiday is not celebrated as splendidly and solemnly, but I want to say - we remember, appreciate and feel gratitude for the once given opportunity for a happy peaceful life. Congratulations on Victory Day!
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