Electrozinc began stopping lead production

Stop work in lead production began on the evening of June 15, 2016. The initial stage of the developed activities was touched by the department of short-drum furnaces. In the process of stopping, the working departments, specialists of the mechanical and power engineering departments were involved. On the eve of the project, a control meeting was held. The question of the readiness of the services responsible for stopping the KB department of furnaces was discussed. The latest information was provided by Yury Khalin, the head of the lead production of the enterprise. By June 14 all the preparatory work was finished. The subsequent stages of the stop will be in accordance with the developed plan-schedule. It outlines all activities linked to employees of the facility, services, related departments. The persons responsible for carrying out the measures and the terms of implementation are also indicated.
Loading of furnaces, designed for the final melting, took place on the night of June 16. By morning all the furnaces had been freed from the smelted lead products. After the final discharge, stopping the furnaces and cooling them, the equipment was cleaned. Washing and purging of devices, units and assemblies was also carried out. The next step was to stop the smoke exhausters. They are installed on the filters of the sleeves. Then followed the disassembly of the electrical circuit responsible for starting the furnace KB. The specialists of the power department of the shop were engaged in it. Then the dismantling of the CBU's instruments follows. The list includes counters, correctors, flowmeters and other equipment. Also, disassembly of converters, regulators and devices of electric furnaces, gas equipment will follow. Items will be transferred to warehouses. The duties of the personnel of the steam-power shop include the disconnection of pipelines of chemically cleaned and tap water. Also, compressed air pipelines and steam pipelines will be disconnected.
To ensure the safety of the processes around the stopping areas, the installation of metal enclosing structures is provided. Experts explain the main point when stopping production. This is to ensure the safety of technological equipment in conjunction with safety. The necessary conditions for the staff should be organized. Also it is necessary to consider the safety of the environment.
In accordance with the schedule, the refining department will operate until September. His work is necessary for the processing of the remaining industrial products. As for the reduction, 5% of the total number of employees will fall under it.
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