New strategies for Russian metallurgists

In early June, the fourteenth Metallurgical Summit was held in Moscow. He was organized by the magazine "Metals of Eurasia". The partner of the project was the non-commercial partnership "Russian Steel". The summit was held under the title "Russian Steel and the Global Market - the Potential of Modernization". The summit participants noted the difficult situation that has developed for the metallurgical sector of Russia. Consumption in the domestic Russian market of steel products decreased by 9%. This result was noted against the backdrop of a slowdown in the machine building, construction and other sectors.
It was noted that the construction sector is especially important for the Russian economy. It is this industry that dominates the driver of economic and social development. This was reported by Yuri Mishin, who is the chairman of the committee of NP "Russian Steel". The share of the construction sector accounts for more than 50% of the use of Russian steel. The development of this sector is becoming the determining factor in the metallurgical sector of Russia. Therefore, the stimulation of this sector is the most important task of industrial state policy. Support for the construction industry by the government is the best option. It is he who will allow the steel industry of the domestic industry to develop.
Both branches have excellent opportunities to expand cooperation. Russian consumers use thin thin-walled structures rather poorly. In this connection, a new project "Steel Construct" is being implemented. He is overseen by the World Steel Association. NP "Russian Steel", in turn, takes an active part in the project. The main goal of the project is a thorough study of the possibilities of steel. We consider its application in construction, including all stages of the cycle. As representatives of "Russian Steel" believe, this year the national rental market will remain negative. Consumption of steel products may decrease by 6%. Reduction of investments in basic funds relative to 2015 will be 3.1%.
The predicted decline will not be fully compensated by the expansion of exports. A weak ruble has become a source of problems for metallurgists. It is on this basis that there is a decrease in domestic consumption. In addition, the access of Russian metallurgists to the global market is very difficult. It should take into account the introduction of numerous anti-dumping duties on products. In this case, violation of WTO rules is often observed.
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