The Mariupol Combine is upgrading the sheet rolling shop

Mariupol Iron and Steel Works. Ilyich is a member of the Metinvest group. In the beginning of September, the first stage of modernization of the LPS-1700 started at the plant. Improvement of the sheet rolling shop is carried out within the framework of the project aimed at updating the rolling capacities. New installed equipment is designed for winding hot rolled coil products. The weight of each roll is up to 27 tons. Simultaneously with the installation, the overhaul of the heating furnace No. 1 will be carried out. Overall, the cost of the project in the coming year will reach about 120 million hryvnia.
Today the sheet rolling shop is able to roll stripes, the mass of which reaches 17 tons. But this weight limits the available capacity of the equipment. The maximum weight of processed products is up to 9,5 tons. As a result, the customer's needs are not satisfied with regard to heavy products. Quality can also reach a better level. The new equipment has more power. It will allow to increase the productivity of LPC-1700. The weight of reel rolls will be up to 17 tons. In early September, the management of the plant concluded an agreement on the purchase of equipment. The supplier is Novokramatorsk Machine-Building Plant. He is one of the leading Ukrainian enterprises in the heavy engineering sector. The unit, designed for cutting strips into rolls, is able to function in automatic mode. The effect is achieved by equipping with high-precision built-in sensors.
NKMZ will undertake basic and detailed engineering. He will also produce and supply a set of equipment. The development of project documentation for installation works will be undertaken by Metinvest Engineering. In accordance with the project, the total cost of equipment of the unit for the inspection of the rolling strip will be 80 million hryvnia. The first heavy-weight roll is expected to be received by the end of 2017. The new equipment will improve the quality of the grinding, increase the final weight of the products. The risk of damage to hot-rolled coils during transportation will be reduced. In the process of modernization, it is planned to reduce the cost of cold-rolled and hot-rolled coils. In the future, the management of the plant plans to increase the weight of rolls to 27 tons. The launched program assumes a significant upgrade of the steelmaking industry.
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