Whether Norilsk Nickel is to blame for the contamination of the Daldykan River

Recently, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation began receiving applications accompanied by photographs. The residents of Norilsk were concerned about the blood-red waters of the Daldykan River. On their part, it was suggested that water was contaminated with unidentified chemicals. Also, preliminary information claimed that the cause of the accident was the breakthrough of the pipeline of the Polar Division of Norilsk Nickel. Representatives of the company argued that this assumption is erroneous. The information on the emergency discharge produced by the Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant was also refuted. Nevertheless, the company began to monitor the state of the natural environment in the zone of Daldikan.
Rosprirodnadzor began checking the facts. The purpose of the test is to determine the source of pollution. The damage caused to the environment will be assessed for further compensation in accordance with applicable law. Norilsk Nickel has published a press release. He was dedicated to the cause of redness of water. According to a press release, the company's specialists conducted their own investigation. The reasons that could affect the temporary color change of the river were considered. All circumstances were studied and the following was established:
· Last year and this year the company reconstructed the tailing pond and tailings of the hydrometallurgical workshop of the Nadezhdinsky plant.
· The final processes for the installation of a new pipe fell at the beginning of September.
· The cutting of the mounted pipe assumes complete emptying of the tail pipe. Then follows its washing and discharge of the used liquid in the tailing pond.
· Dams for filtration have been built in the embankment zones of the project. They should prevent spreading of washing liquids.
· In the beginning of September, anomalous precipitation was observed. Within 24 hours their level reached 50% of the monthly norm.
· The result was the discharge of water through one of the dams, as a result of which the liquid hit the Daldykan.
· As a result, there was a short-term change in the color of the river under the influence of iron salts. At the same time, the incident does not pose a threat to people or fauna.
Norilsk Nickel is making efforts to assess areas of greatest pollution and its elimination. Sanitary cleaning of the soil is carried out. At the same time, the company intends to make every effort to prevent similar incidents in the future. Nevertheless, Rosprirodnadzor opened an administrative case regarding the pollution of the river.
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