
4 October 2016

Metalloinvest is increasing its performance

In the second quarter of this year, Metalloinvest produced 10.4 million tons of iron ore. Compared to the first quarter results, the result increased by 3.4%. Over the last five-year period, this is the maximum figure. The production of pellets also increased. The company increased the volume of this product by 6.1%. As a result, the number reached 6.3 million tons. This indicator completely corresponds to market needs. They increased against the backdrop of increasing the capacity utilization of OM-3.

The production of hot briquetted and directly reduced iron practically did not change. The volume of production is 1.5 million tons. Production of pig iron reached 0.8 million tons. The increase in the amount of production thus amounted to 2%. The amount of melted steel increased by 9.4%, amounting to 1.2 million tons. Such indicators are observed against a background of productivity growth due to an increase in demand for goods. The volume of supplies of iron ore to the domestic market also increased. In the second quarter, the share of domestic supplies increased to 62%. The previous indicator in the first quarter was 57%. The changes are related to the increase in the quantity of raw materials shipped to the leading enterprises of the Russian metallurgical sector. The list includes NLMK, MMK and others. The volumes of iron ore raw materials shipped in the second quarter to European consumers also increased. If in the first quarter this indicator reached 20%, then in the second quarter it increased to 26%. The reason for the increase was the increase in supplies to metallurgical companies Tata Steel, ArcelorMittal.

The share of Asian companies in the total volume of shipments was 6% in the second quarter. In the first quarter of 2016, the indicator reached 17%. The change in results is observed against the background of the redistribution of supplies for the European and national markets. In the second quarter, the volume of shipments to Middle Eastern countries and to North Africa has not changed. The indicators reached the level of the first quarter of 2016, that is 4%. Now about cast iron and steel goods shipped to the consumer in the second quarter. From Russia, the share of products reached 23%. In the previous quarter, the indicator was 20%. The number of steel and pig iron deliveries to Europe in the second quarter increased to 24%. The previous indicator was 15%. Growth was due to increased supplies to the Italian consumer. At the same time, the share of supplies to the Middle Eastern countries and North Africa decreased, reaching 27%. The previous indicator was 32%.

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