MMK takes part in the Offshore Marintec Russia conference

Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works participates in the International Conference Offshore Marintec Russia. The specialized meeting is dedicated to shipbuilding, the creation of high-tech equipment. It is intended for exploration of the Arctic, the continental shelf, and their development. The conference was held in St. Petersburg. For her took the square in the «Expoforum», the exhibition complex. Participation in it is made by Russian and foreign leaders who specialize in developing the infrastructure of the continental shelf.
It should be noted that MMK's capabilities, both technological and production, have significantly increased. It implies the production of hot-rolled steel, oriented to the oil and gas and shipbuilding industries. This happened against the background of the commissioning of mill 5000. MMK was able to successfully master the production of complex steel grades. This made it possible for the combine to participate in significant shipbuilding, oil and gas projects. Today, Magnitogorsk combine accounts for about 50% of the total supply of metal for the shipbuilding sector in Russia. In confirmation, you can consider the results of 2015. Shipments of MMK for the shipbuilding sector amounted to 86,000 tons of metal products. This indicator exceeds the results of 2015 by almost 11%.
The mill 5000 is oriented to the production of highly profitable hot-rolled steel. Its width for the oil and gas, shipbuilding, machine building, bridge construction sector is up to 4850 mm. The cost of this project reached 1.5 billion USD. The design capacity of the mill is 1.5 million tons of five-meter thick sheet annually. This production is one of the leading in the world. At the same time, the products of the mill 5000 are import substituting. MMK specialists have developed unique technologies for metal production. Also, debugging, casting of slabs with the use of a new CCM was developed. It makes it possible to obtain high purity of the metal due to the introduction of a vacuum in the process, a ladle furnace. Plus, the process involves the use of soft compression. The technological process includes carefully selected heating of slabs. Specially developed temperature-deformation mode. A rapid cooling strategy was chosen in the controlled cooling unit. The large-format sheet obtained during production meets all the requirements of the consumer for all characteristics.
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