Norilsk Nickel will refine the nickel in a new way

The Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company, part of the Norilsk Nickel Group, will continue to implement the nickel electroextraction project. The investment committee of the company approved this program. The project being developed is part of the strategy developed by Norilsk Nickel for development. It provides for the reconfiguration of production capacities. How much will Norilsk will cost the introduction of new technology. Capital expenditures for the program implemented by Kola MMC will amount to over 18 billion RUB. The general director of the Kola company, Igor Ryshkel, expressed his opinion on the project. Realization of the project again confirms the leading positions of Norilsk Nickel. Kola MMC can be perceived as a locomotive of economic improvement of the region.
This project in the Murmansk region can be considered the most significant. Decisions therein are fully in line with the best available practices of economic, technological effectiveness. They also demonstrate compliance with all necessary environmental standards. The business plan approved by Norilsk Nickel will enable the Kola company to stop using the old technology. The electrolytic refining method used for anodes from nickel is very expensive. It will be replaced more than an effective method of electroextraction of metal from a solution of chlorine solution of nickel powder from tubular furnaces.
Using the new technology will allow the Kola company to reduce operating costs. Also, nickel losses during production will be reduced, and the quality of products will be increased. Significant importance for the project has a reduction in the negative impact on nature. This will be achieved by eliminating the anode arc furnace from the nickel production circuit. Refusal of this technological redistribution of metal production will significantly reduce the impact on nature. This will happen due to a decrease in the volume of sulfur dioxide, nickel-containing dust emitted into the atmosphere.
The general contractor was selected through competitive selection. He is ZAO Energoprom. The introduction of new technology is made without stopping the existing production. Volumes of products will not be changed. Also, no additional infrastructure will be created. Under the new technology will work 476 baths for the electrolysis of nickel . Their launch will be phased, 42 baths will be put into operation in 2017.
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