Krabovoe the first ship of the Russian production launched

Crablouse craft project 03070 «Rus» was created design Bureau «Pella». Also in the development of the project was attended by the customer himself. They were made by the far Eastern company «Antey». The contract between the companies was concluded in 2017. 70% of the investment in its implementation highlighted Alfa-Bank. The high-tech vessel 26 Dec was launched. This took place on the territory belonging to the shipbuilding complex «Pella». It is located in the Leningrad region.
«Rus» is the first specialized vessel, produced in Russia. Its length is over 50 meters. The displacement is of the order of 1835 tons. It is equipped with cone traps. It traps the «Japanese» type. Then there is sorting, transshipment and transportation of live crabs. Processes are carried out in slatted baskets. They are placed in special insulated tanks. Is the RSW-tanks. They are chilled seawater.
Also, the crabber equipped with ship and technological equipment. It is obtained from leading manufacturers. Cruising the ship will be in the seas of the Russian Far East. It is the deadweight of 585 tons. The maximum speed is 12 knots. The crew can be up to 30 people. The ship will allow for the production of 1 thousand tons per year. It is planned that the ship will be ready in the 3rd quarter 2019. For Alfa-Bank is a very important project. He has already financed the construction of the fishing vessels. He sees the potential of this industry, so willing to invest. This is explained by managing Director for working with the enterprises of agroindustrial complex of Alfa-Bank. The company is ready to Finance such investment projects.
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