The steel output of Evraz decreased in the past year

EVRAZ shared the results of its activities over the past year. Steel production in the whole Group EVRAZ has decreased. In quantitative terms, it amounted to 13 million tons. Compared to the 2017 year is 7.3% less. The amount of pig enterprises in the Russian division amounted to 10,607 million tons. In 2017, the figure was 3.5% higher. Results declined due to certain factors. First of all, we are talking about the sale of EVRAZ DMZ. It happened in March last year. Then decreased the production capacity at EVRAZ ZSMK. The reason performed a major overhaul of blast furnace No. 3. It was carried out from August to December. Also in August there was a technical incident at EVRAZ NTMK. He touched the blast furnace No. 3.
In addition, it sold less products. The reduction in sales was 18%. For the most part, this is due to reduced steel production. Refers to the enterprises in the Russian division. However, despite this, the increased volume of sales of finished products. Its growth amounted to 3.5%. This is mainly due to the increase in the volume of shipments of rails and fittings. The same applies to seamless pipe plant EVRAZ Pueblo. Even stabilized steel production company EVRAZ Regina. Positive outcomes are associated with the increased production in North America.
Also increased the volume of issue of ordinary coking coal. The growth amounted to 3.8% compared with the 2017 year. In quantitative terms, the volume was 24.2 million tons. This became possible thanks to increase in coal production. More precisely we are talking about premium low volatile coking coal. Its production is carried out in the outdoor area of the mine Raspadskaya-Koksovaya. Iron ore products sold less than in 2017. The reduction was 32%.
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