Indian Nagarnar steel plant will be launched in the fourth quarter of this year

In the Indian state of Chhattisgarh is actively constructed a new iron and steel plant Nagarnar. Its design capacity is 3 million tons per year. The construction involved the leading Indian state Corporation NMDC iron ore. Initially, the company should start in March this year. However, the launch had to be postponed in the fourth quarter. Blast furnace is planned to start in September-October. The same applies to most hardware. At the moment there are already a coke oven battery. In addition, there is a train line. On it to transport coking coal to the plant.
Metallurgical plant is the only project undertaken in India. This refers to the construction from scratch of a large metallurgical enterprises. It is known that to buy land in the country is not easy. In addition, there are difficulties in obtaining permits from various authorities. First of all, we are talking about environmental bodies. This hampered industrial and infrastructure by the government. However, the company NMDC managed to solve all these moments. But it took her a lot of time.
His project, she began to realize in 2011. Implementation was planned to finish in four years. Thus, the metallurgical plant was to be launched in 2016. However, the startup has had to endure. According to the project, the company carried out the installation of one blast furnace. Also will have two Converter, for 175 tons each. In addition, mounting the hot rolling mill. It was originally planned that the company will sell part of the shares. They can get a partner who will assist in the management.
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