Uchalinskiy GOK began to operate the new articulated dump trucks

Uchalinskiy GOK is a company of UMMC raw material complex. Its technological Park added three new dump trucks. It’s articulated haulers Volvo А45G. With their help, transported rock and bulk materials. The new machines were tested. Currently they are working on haul roads. We are talking about Lake and West Lake deposits and their ways. The equipment was purchased instead of worn. Thus there is a previously developed plan for renewal of plant.
The new equipment is of high capacity, reliability and efficiency. It has a capacity of 476 horsepower. The capacity of one truck is 41 tons. Unlike earlier, the new dump trucks are characterized by higher productivity. In addition, their control system has additional functions. Thanks to her production job will be fully executed. It says the chief of service of operation of motor vehicles mining and processing plant.
Each truck is equipped with a convenient and comfortable cabin. It is spacious and is characterized by a broad overview. It improved lighting system. Also cockpit enhanced security and a number of additional options. When you load the rock mass are to be weighed. Thus eliminating overload or underload. This allows to reduce losses and to increase the service life of the machine. This is not the last acquisition of a business in the current year. It plans to buy more new equipment. We are talking about trucks, front loaders and excavators.
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